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Es ist so weit – unsere Freiwilligen haben eine eigene Show zusammengestellt für alle, die Lust auf Zirkus haben! Die kostenfreien Tickets für den 12.02.22 könnt ihr hier reservieren!

Und darum gehts: Diese Zeiten bieten einmal mehr den Anlass zum kritischen Hinterfragen und reflektieren über Fragen wie: Was ist wichtig für mich? Was ist relevant für dich? Wo hat die Kunst ihren Platz? Und was können wir besser machen?

Mit ABER TROTZDEM MACHEN präsentieren die CABUWAZI-Freiwilligen ihr Kabarett – eine multidisziplinäre Zirkusshow für Zuschauer*innen allen Alters.


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volunteering experience with the social circus CABUWAZI in Berlin!

Join us for a long-term solidarity

February 2022 – January 2023

What you can expect:
– Financial support provided by EuSC Programme
– Grow in an international team
– Develop personal projects

Check our infopack if you crave for creativity, circus, gardening,
building, DIY or handcraft!!!

Interested? Here you will find the application form.

You have questions? Feel free to contact us: [email protected]

Apply by 5th December

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Call for volunteers!

CABUWAZI starts two new volunteering projects in June – join us for a short-term solidarity volunteering experience or a gardening project focused on community activities with kids and families.

Apply now:

1 June 2021 – 30 September 2021 – a summer volunteering project:
Join us for a short-term solidarity volunteering experience with the social circus CABUWAZI in Berlin!

Here is what you can expect:
– Financial support provided by EuSC-Program
– Grow in an international team
– Social circus activities in public space
– Develop your circus skills

1 June 2021 – 31 May 2022 – a gardening project:
Join the Social Circus CABUWAZI for a gardening project focused on community activities with kids and families.

Here is what you can expect:
– Financial support provided by EuSC-Program
– Grow in an international team
– Social circus activities in public space
– Develop personal projects

Apply by 25th April here.
You have any questions? Please feel free to contact us: [email protected]